As an extension to the Coke vs. Coke Zero Taste Infringement campaign, we created the law firm "Covet & Yourminy". We showed how this fictitious law firm tries to spearhead a class action lawsuit against Coke Zero for "Taste Confusion."
Mimicking the modest media budget that a small but hungry law firm might have at its disposal, we ran bus shelter ads, truck wraps, and fractional print ads in the back of magazines, all of which directed consumers to call a Covet & Yourminy 1-877 number and website.
Victims of Taste confusion went to the official website of Covet & Yourminy where they filled out hundreds of entertaining "claims" against Coke Zero.
We've received 20,000 claims since we've launched the campaign including 27,000 phone claims. Here are some entertaining examples of those claims.
Anyone who filled out their claim on the C&Y microsite and those who's left voice mail claims on our 1-877 number were sent a direct mail package that included a personalized taste kit. The kit contained a certified letter from C&Y lawyers, a C&Y insulated beverage sleeve (koozie) and a coupon for one Coke and one Coke Zero, to verify that victims were adequately confused.